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13 Best Online Courses On Public Speaking [2020] | Simpliv

It is rated as the number one phobia among the American population, which a whopping three-fourths of the population suffers from. It is something even lawyers, who are required to speak all the time, have. It begins at childhood, but can progress into adult life if not addressed.

So, what are we talking about? It is glossophobia, or fear of public speaking. Are you one of those whose hands sweat and start shaking the moment you are required to address a group of people? Does the prospect of putting across your viewpoint to people around you intimidate you? Are you clear about what to say, but start getting unnerved when you start to speak to your audience?

It is exactly to address pain points such as these that Simpliv, the Fremont, CA-based learning platform for all technical and nontechnical courses, is offering an assortment of online courses that will help you not only overcome the fear of public speaking, but to excel at it!

So, let us start exploring my pick of 13 best online courses on public speaking [2020] | Simpliv!

1. Course name: Public Speaking for Beginners

Course description:

At this course, the author, world-famous public speaking expert, T J Walker, starts off the learner with the elementary skills needed for getting started with public speaking. This course is for helping those who have just started on their career in public speaking learn how to shake the jitters when it comes to facing their audience. All that it takes for learners is 45 minutes to learn the ropes of public speaking, so that they will no longer have to wipe their wet palms when facing audiences!

Key takeaways:

Learners will be able to give fluent speeches, presentations, talks and briefings

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

2. Course name: Public Speaking and Presentations 101: For Beginners Only!

Course description:

This is a clearly defined and well strategized, 21-step plan, following which, the learner will be able to convincingly deliver a presentation with aplomb. The learner taking up this course will be able to feel the pulse of the audience and master its attention and mood. The audience will nod in admiration at the quality of the presentation.

Key takeaways:

This is a brilliantly structured course at which the learners will be able to:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

3. Course name: Public Speaking: You Can Speak to Large Audiences

Course description:

This course will teach learners the skills needed for addressing large audiences. The expert will demonstrate a few techniques, which when practiced, will help the learner to put up a veneer of confidence even if that is not how she is feeling from inside. The expert will explain the common mistakes to avoid, how to move around the stage or hall when addressing large audiences, and how to make your presentation memorable.

Key takeaways:

This course will help the learner to:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

4. Course name: Public Speaking for College Students: Become a Great Speaker

Course description:

College students are a different kind of audience. They are energetic, bubbly, and keen to suck in any knowledge and information is thrown at them. This course will show how to handle this jumpy audience and gain acceptance with them. Learners that take this course up will gain the habits needed to make a lasting impression with this highly impressionable age group.

Key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

5. Course name: Professional Public Speaking: Be a Professional Speaker

Course description:

Professional speaking is of a different league altogether from informal and casual public speaking. The professional speaker is often paid for his job of addressing thousands of people of varying backgrounds and experiences. This course will show how to take the steps to becoming a professional speaker and persuade and influence many people around you realize their dreams.

Key takeaways:

This course, “Professional Public Speaking: Be a Professional Speaker” is designed to offer many benefits. These are its key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

6. Course name: Fear of Public Speaking: Never Fear Public Speaking Again

Course description:

Well, isn’t fear the centerpiece of public speaking? It is very easy to get rattled when facing a crowd, making putting your viewpoint across in a convincing manner difficult. The essence of this course is in helping learners do away with the fear of public speaking. It will help you understand how to put in verve at your public presentations.

Key takeaways:

The number one takeaway of this course is that the fear of the audience is eliminated. Further, you will:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

7. Course name: Public Speaking: C-Level Executive Public Speaking Skills

Course description:

What does it take to speak in front of extremely high profile C level executives? What does it feel like to present to your company at the management board level, your investors, your stakeholders and such other super special audiences? This course gives you the skills for mastering this kind of extremely niche public speaking skills.

Key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

8. Course name: TED Talk: You Can Deliver a TED Talk Quality Presentation

Course description:

The very mention of the phrase, TED Talks, fills an aspiring public speaker with awe. There is no platform that is more established and respected than TED. Have no fear, because the smartness and skill needed for delivering a speech at this hallowed forum can be learnt. This course gives you just this all-important skillset. Imagine the prospect of giving a TED talk that goes down well with the audience!

Key takeaways:

Needless to say, this course, TED Talk: You Can Deliver a TED Talk Quality Presentation, will prepare you to give a TED talk effectively and confidently.

Learners will also be able to:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

9. Course name: How to Develop Deep Voice; Specific Exercises and Training

Course description:

Isn’t your voice your most audible front to your audience? It is possible to modulate your own voice in a way that makes it something people like to keep hearing repeatedly. This course helps learners develop an impressive, deep voice which will help them in different walks of life.

Key takeaways:

This course will help learners develop a resonating voice with which they can project themselves well to their audience.

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

10. Course name: Storytelling to Influence

Course description:

Storytelling is a rare and brilliant medium for conveying a moral or a value. However, its suitability for being a medium in influencing people around us is now being discovered. This course will open a minefield of information of how to do it successfully.

Key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

11. Course name: Public Speaking-How to Size Up Your Public Speaking Audience

Course description:

This course offers one of the most important elements of a public presentation: sizing up the audience. This is the most vital means to making a public speaking performance effective and memorable. It gives an insight into how to prepare for an audience, how to treat it during and after a speech, and how to retain their interest during the presentation.

Key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

12. Course name: Public Speaking for People Who Hate Public Speaking

Course description:

What if you hate to give a public speech, but are required to give one? This course is meant for such situations. It will turn a reluctant speaker into an energetic one who makes a great impression on the audience.

Key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

13. Course name:Public Speaking: You Can Be More Assertive!

Course description:

Being assertive at public speaking helps in a number of ways. The speaker can present the speech with poise and confidence. This course helps them gain this very core quality of public speaking.

Key takeaways:

Course type and duration: online, self-paced.

Register now: You can register for this course by visiting Here.

As I wind up, let me share a small note as we go ahead with this valuable exercise:

All these courses have a few features in common. These are what are common between these 13 courses:


Wrapping up, I hope this is a collection of online courses on public speaking that will find useful and worth pursuing. This is a meticulously culled list of courses that we believe will add value to your skills and your profile by imparting that edge you need to stay ahead. Presentation skills being critical, you will never again fumble for words when you have to make your next presentation. I am confident that this list of Simpliv’s 13 best online courses on public speaking will serve this purpose.

Want to add to what I have said here? Please feel free to write to us. Your feedback matters a lot to us!

Summary of the blog,13 Best Online Courses On Public Speaking

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