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APM Certification (Associate in Project Management) Exam Eligibility Requirements

APM Certification

Associate in Project Management

The Associate in Project Management (APM), which is designated exam code 001, is an entry-level project management certification. This certification helps you embark on a career in project management. In this blog, let us consider a few of the major aspects of the Associate in Project Management (APM) certification.

Project management is a career choice that can be both interesting and rewarding. Project management is something that most organizations, irrespective of where they are based and what industry they are in, and their size, have to implement. Better project management simply means greater efficiency in the delivery of products and services, which means enhanced customer satisfaction and higher business prospects.

As we are aware, organizations across the world, working in a swathe of industries ranging from manufacturing to IT, need project management professionals to ensure their smooth running and functioning. The Associate in Project Management (APM) certification is a good way to kickstart a fruitful and enjoyable journey in project management.

Associate in Project Management (APM): an overview

The Associate in Project Management (APM) certificate is an entry-level qualifying exam for those who want to make project management their career. Being so will familiarize the learner with the concepts in project management, the principles, the tools, and the technologies that go into project management. As a learner, you will become aware of the regulations, trends, and best practices in project management, and will get an idea of how to apply these to particular projects that your organization entrusts to you.

Which kind of professionals are suited to take up the Associate in Project Management (APM) certification?

The Associate in Project Management (APM) certification is for those who:

The Associate in Project Management (APM) certification exam details

The Associate in Project Management (APM) is a beginner-level certification, which makes it easy to take up and complete.

Associate in Project Management (APM) prerequisites

The Associate in Project Management (APM) does not specify any prerequisites in terms of qualifications or skillsets for the candidate taking it up.

Validity of the Associate in Project Management (APM) certification

Once a candidate obtains the Associate in Project Management (APM) certification, it is valid for a lifetime.

The Associate in Project Management (APM) certification exam outline

This is the outline of three modules for the Associate in Project Management (APM) certification, the syllabus for which is as follows:

Module 1 – Project Management Fundamentals

Module 2 – Project Management Training

Module 3 – Intermediate Project Management


The Associate in Project Management (APM) certification is a solid course that will put the project management candidate on the road to a long career in project management. Having said this much, it should be borne in mind that the Associate in Project Management (APM) certification, being an entry-level certification, should be built upon if you are serious about a career in project management. This course is the edifice on which to chart out a career path in project management.

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