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Docker | What are Docker Containers, Docker Hub and Installation Docker on Amazon Web Services?

                 Introduction to Docker, Docker containers & Docker Hub 


Docker can be understood as being a tool that makes creating, deploying, and running applications easier with the use of containers. Now, what are containers? These can be described as something that makes it possible for developers to spruce up an application with all the parts needed for it. These could include libraries, for instance, along with other dependencies. Docker assembles all these and presents them as one package. The container gives the developer the assurance that the application will run on just about any Linux machine, no matter to what extent any of its customized settings in a particular machine could be at variance from those on the machine on which the code is written and tested.

Visit the link to learn Docker basics and installation.

Who is Docker for:

Docker is aimed at the benefit of both developers and system administrators. This makes it a part of many DevOps (developers + operations) toolchains. The main benefit that Docker carries for developers is that they can concentrate on their core job of writing the code without having to bog themselves down with which system it will run on.

How docker is useful in the IT industry:

The most vital use of the Docker Enterprise container platform is that it offers value to a business by drastically bringing down its cost on infrastructure and maintenance. It can also do the same when it comes to migrating current. Best of all, all these can be done immediately upon installation. In this way, it saves time, as well. The following infographic illustrates how Docker brings down costs and increases productivity in an enterprise:

Image source:

Docker container:

Next, let us get down to get to understand what a container in a Docket is. We can think of it as being a  standard unit of software that has the purpose of packaging the code and all its dependencies together.

It comes with all that an application needs to run, namely settings, code, system tools, runtime, and system libraries.

The point of making a Docker container in this fashion is to help the application run in a fast and dependable manner between one computing environment and another. A Docker container image has these characteristics:

In this sense, the container lies at the heart of a Docker.

Docker containers that run on Docker Engine:

Let us get down to understanding the Docker containers that power the Docker Engine.

Standardization: Docker containers were created according to the industry standard for containers. The aim of doing this is that the containers could be made portable

Lightweight: Since containers share the machine’s OS system kernel; there is no need for an OS per application. What does this do? It increases server efficiencies and brings down the costs of the server as well as those associated with licensing

Security: Security is assured for applications in containers. It is a fact that  Docker comes with the industry-best default isolation capabilities.

Let us explain a few Docker commands from the architecture shown above:

Understanding Docker Hub Registry

A registry service that is cloud-based; the Docker Hub Registry allows the user to do the following:

In summary, we can understand the Docker Hub Registry as a tool that offers a centralized resource for discovering a container image, managing distribution and change, facilitate collaboration between the user and team, and automate workflow throughout the development pipeline.

Ref URL:

docker pull ubuntu

docker pull ubuntu:16.04

docker tag ubuntu: latest admin/ubuntu: demo


docker image rm -f <Image_id>

      docker pull admin/ubuntu:demo

Installation Docker on Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud:

Why Amazon Web Services:

AWS is a highly preferred cloud service. It enjoys a position of primacy in the global cloud services market due to the following reasons:

Ease and affordability of building a storage system with no worry of estimating usage Suitability for small businesses, since it is ideal for building a business from bottom to top.

Advantages of AWS:

For more information to learn DevOps tools integration visit here.

Steps to Install docker on Amazon Linux:


A tool with which creating, deploying and running applications is made much easier, a Docker is a set of packages that uses containers. It is of high value to both developers and system administrators, who can look at their core work without having to worry about writing the code, which runs on any system.

Docker Enterprise if of immense value to the IT industry, as it brings down the maintenance and infrastructure costs. It can be deployed immediately and can be migrated easily.

Written by Jagadeesh

DevOps Engineer

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