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Everything You Wanted to Know About Photography

Are you one of those who cannot take your eyes off an object of beauty? Does capturing an image or a rare moment fascinate you? Then, you are cut out for photography. Want to explore this fine art that combines skill and technology? Does the world of capturing images excite you? Read on to explore photography in all its depth and beauty.

a. What is Photography

So, how does one define photography? Rather than take a protracted technical definition, let us get it down in simple and easy-to-understand terms:

It can be defined as the method of creating images of an object (animate or inanimate) with the use of light and applications such as image sensors, electromagnetic radiation or through other means such as chemicals.

b. History of Photography

Having understood what are the basics of photography, isn’t it interesting to explore photography history? It may surprise many that the earliest knowledge of light passing through a hole to form an inverted image on a surface opposite to it was known to Aristotle!

Although there were a series of attempts at gaining a greater understanding of this phenomenon through the medieval times, the most prominent refinement of the art of capturing images can be said to be the one made by the Frenchman, Joseph Nicéphore Niépce. His piece, the Nicéphore heliograph, is considered the first authentic signal shift in what led to photography as it know it now. This was in the year 1839.

The efforts of several scientists, entrepreneurs and innovators helped photography improve by leaps and bounds over the years. The list of people here include Daguerre (who worked with Nicéphore), Hippolyte Bayard, William Henry Fox Talbot, John Herschell, Hippolyte Fizeau, Abel Niépce de Saint-Victor, Scott Archer, Richard Maddox and Charles Bennet, Georges Eastman, Gabriel Lippmann, the brothers Auguste and Louis Lumière, and R. Fisher.

These are some of the more popular photography types:

Landscape: A very well-known one among the photography types, this is the kind of images we see of landscapes, seascapes and urban areas, or what are called cityscapes.

Nature: For many adventurers, the temptation of packing up their bags and leaving to the Himalayas or the Amazon, or Kilimanjaro or the Niagara and taking photography pictures is too strong to resist.

Portrait: Undoubtedly, we are yet to give up our obsession for filming our beloved ones or famous people.


Well, if the adrenaline levels of sportsmen is high when they are performing, so is that of the photographer who wants to capture photography images of a special moment, a display of sporting genius, trick or emotion, and pin it down for history.   

Architecture: The wonder of capturing well-known pieces of architecture.

Types of Cameras

Does the camera play an important role in the photograph? This is as elementary as asking if the type of car you drive has a role to play in your journey. A brief understanding of the kinds or types of cameras may help you decide this:

Again, this list is not the most complete one. This is a mention of just the most prominent types of cameras:

Compact Digital Cameras

One can understand the working of a compact digital camera by referring to another of its names: point and shoot camera. All that you need to do is point and click the shutter, and you are done.

Advantages and disadvantages of compact digital cameras

Let us now understand some of the advantages and disadvantages of the compact digital camera.



For what kind of photography are compact digital cameras suited?

With their small sensors, compact digital cameras are best suited for small uses. We can think of weddings, family or group occasions. It is often the most recommended camera for beginners. Compact digital cameras are not recommended for professional use.

Digital SLR Cameras

A popular kind of camera, the digital single lens reflex camera is known for the sharpness of the images it delivers. It is for the more serious or professional photographers because of its ability to deliver high resolution pictures with a host of improvements such as better sensors, choice of settings and lenses that you can exchange to improve the vision.

Advantages and disadvantages of DSLR cameras

DSLR cameras, like all other such equipment, come with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. Let us examine a few of these:


Disadvantages of a DSLR camera

For whom is a DSLR camera suited?

A DSLR camera is better suited for those who want to make a career in photography and those whose interest in photography goes beyond the basic. A DSLR camera is a great equipment to have for wildlife outings, events, sporting action and so on.

Leading Digital Camera Brands

Taken together, these are the top five players in the global market for digital cameras:

Mirrorless Cameras

At its simplest, a mirrorless camera is a digital camera that does not require a mirror for reflecting the image into the viewfinder.

Advantages and disadvantages of mirrorless cameras

Disadvantages of mirrorless cameras

For whom are mirrorless cameras suited?

Mirrorless cameras are seen as an improvement on the DSLR, at least on some counts. One can safety put the mirrorless camera to almost the same uses as one would put the DSLR.

Action Cameras

Want to capture some real action like an animal in full flow, a sports event or a natural disaster? Then, an action camera is what you need. Action cameras, as can be expected, come with wider angles and are suited for almost any environment.

Action cameras top brands

No discussion of action cameras is complete without a mention of the GoPro and its various brands. This has been the market leader by a mile, and is followed by DJI Osmo Action, SJCAM SJ8 Pro, Sony RX0 II, YI 4K+, TomTom Bandit Action Camera, Olympus TG Tracker Action Camera and other players. 

For whom are action cameras suited?

Just repeating what was mentioned earlier: action cameras are needed where there is action that is out of the ordinary, of the type described above.

360 Cameras

These are cameras that have a wider view than traditional cameras, because of which they offer a much wider and more comprehensive view.

Advantages and disadvantages of 360 cameras

Where are 360 cameras suited?

As can be expected, 360 cameras are a great tool to have for taking nature photographs, of locations such as the sea, for instance.

Top brands of 360 cameras in 2018

The market for 360 cameras again is a very competitive one with no one clear, undisputed leader perched at the top. With new introductions and a host of innovations, big or small, the leadership position in this market keeps shifting from time to time.

An analysis of the top 360 camera brands can be had here.

Film Cameras

Considered among the most advanced of cameras, film cameras are built for making videos or films. They are more sophisticated, with the ability to deliver a range of features.

Advantages and disadvantages of film cameras


Disadvantages of film cameras

Where are film cameras used?

Simple: in making films. As noted elsewhere, film cameras are suited for a specific use-of making movies.

As of early 2017, according to Time, the top five film camera brands were:

Let us conclude this section on a very useful hint of how to hold your camera!

Imagine being a photographer who wants to pack off for a few days to capture the most captivating photos of a location in the Andes. What if you realized that there was one vital supply you needed, but was missing? Consider these among the types of gears and accessories you need to keep your camera in an excellent working condition:

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