We have heard about project management for various domains of technology. But can IT security be one of these? Can IT security and project management go hand in hand? The answer to these questions is a yes. This is what the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) Certification helps achieve. It brings a project management approach to IT security, thus blending these two areas for enhancing the security of IT systems in organizations.
Let us learn more about the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) Certification in this article.
The need for Infusing Project Management into IT Security
As the use of IT systems of different types grew in number, reach, and power, it brought with it an inevitable downside: a nearly corresponding increase in cybercrime. IT security is a tempting field for cybercriminals, because data is very hot property, and a compromise on its security can adversely affect entire organizations.

As the methods for tackling cybercrime increased, there emerged a need to make IT security as strong as it could get.
This realization led to the further need to make this discipline more organized in order to fortify and empower it with greater capabilities for handling cybercrime, The result was the development of the field of project management in IT security. This field has given rise to what is called the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification.
Why a project management approach to IT security? Because it enhances the power of IT security by building layers of security into the overall system and strengthens IT security at all stages instead of making it an isolated and piecemeal exercise that comes into the picture only after a cyberattack has taken place, by which time sufficient damage would have been done.
The Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification gives IT security personnel the resilience to detect and prevent a cyberattack through a project management style.
The Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) Certification
Let us look into some aspects of this certification over the new few paragraphs.
The EC-Council awards the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification. This certification helps personnel acquire the skill needed for managing IT security teams with a touch of project management. That is, the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification equips IT, security staff, with the knowledge, tools, devices, applications, systems, infrastructure, and processes on which project management is organized.
IT personnel that carry this certification are in a position to make their organization’s IT security more organized and efficient, turning it into one that has various levels of inbuilt systems of accountability and checks. The certification gives candidates an overall ability to understand standardized IT security practices, as well as the particular IT security-related needs that the organization could face at some point.
The Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification teaches candidates how to understand and customize the application of the five stages of project management:
- Initiate
- Plan
- Execute
- Monitor
- Close

These are the prerequisites for taking up the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification:
- Candidates for the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification must have a minimum of two years of experience in the field of information security, during which they must ideally have worked with IT security personnel such as desktop engineers, system admin, security planning executive, network server admin, and risk assessment managers
- They should carry a security-related higher educational background.
The cost of the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification exam is $250.
Exam Preparation
The EC-Council offers study material for the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification, and this is the best reading material a candidate for this exam can have. This material offers simulated situations of cyberattacks, which prepares the candidate for real-life situations.
A project manager in IT typically earns in the average range of $110,000. With a strong credential such as the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification, this figure is likely to shoot up well.
With IT security being an investment no IT organization can overlook, the Project Management in IT Security (PMITS) certification can come in very handy for anyone who wants to be part of the massively powerful IT security machinery in an organization. The job prospects for IT personnel with knowledge of IT security and project management are set to be very bright for the years ahead.