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Top 20 Mental Health Courses

“Mind your head” is a popular signage at most construction sites and certain buildings. Well intended as this exhortation is, what we are going to be talking about in this blog on the top 20 mental health courses is what you should mind more-the area inside the head!

What we have between our ears is surely the most precious gift from nature. The human mind is undoubtedly the most mysterious of creations. It is difficult to comprehend the extent and range of its abilities, because this is the source of all the philosophical and technological advancements that our species has made. Given the sheer potency of what this spongy, floating matter is capable of, it pays to understand how to safeguard our mental health. So, let us roll up our sleeves and get ready to dissect and discuss the top 20 mental health courses.

First, let us get a definition of mental health

Getting to the top 20 mental health courses is fine, but don’t you think our focus should first be on what mental health is? Just like physical health, is there something like mental health? Are experts agreed on a definition for this term? Are there ways by which to grow and develop mental health?

Let us try to get to a point where we have some clarity on questions and pointers such as those listed above, as we take our first steps to understanding which the top 20 mental courses for you are.

Just as how physical health can be understood as being in a state of sound health and with no worrisome or serious setbacks, one can think of positive mental health as a condition where one is at peace with oneself, with the people around her and her environment, and there is assurance of the ability to deal with adversity or disaster.

Let us examine a few popular definitions of sound mental health:

“Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood.”

“Mental health refers to cognitive, behavioral, and emotional well-being. It is all about how people think, feel, and behave. People sometimes use the term “mental health” to mean the absence of a mental disorder.”- Medical News Today

One can dig up more such definitions, but they all point to more or less the same thing, which is that:

  1. Cultivating and possessing sound mental health is essential for our happiness;
  2. A few factors, such as biological and mental makeup, life situations such as a tragedy, and heredity determine and influence mental health;
  3. It is possible to do so, when one understands and implements certain attitudes and behaviors.

Let us look at each of these points individually and try to get some understanding of each of these.

First, it goes without saying that one should develop mental health. The reason: it is necessary for a person to be of sound mental health to enjoy peace of mind and happiness. What would happen if one did something that gave great success, but a negative outlook prevented that person from enjoying the fruits of that success? Being of good mental health means that the person should have the bandwidth to go for the success, but also equally importantly, have it in her to enjoy the result.

Let us look at one imaginary example. Suppose you got a pay raise. Obviously, it would delight you. But a negative mindset makes the person celebrate the event to avenge a colleague with whom she may have had a tiff. If, on the other hand, the employee took that as an opportunity to grow further and leave that tussle with the colleague behind, it is suggestive of maturity and good, positive mental health.

Now, for the second point. It is largely true that mental health is important and one has to be positive and amiable in one’s outlook. Yet, it is also true that certain factors predispose a person towards sound mental health and outlook or otherwise. We all know that each person has her own set of idiosyncrasies that are predetermined and unique to each individual. Some people are cheery by nature and some others are unduly worried or dejected.

This is mainly preset, but external factors underplay or aggravate these tendencies, depending on the person’s natural proclivity for being so. A few people could be bothered and gloomy for the silliest reasons and could be in no position to handle life’s smallest situations. Many others, on the other hand, handle the greatest crises with amazing fortitude and equipoise. It is all a matter of one’s mental makeup, which plays a key role in determining the person’s mental health.

Finally, while the point just discussed is true, it is possible to inculcate a few changes into one’s outlook, which when done, can greatly modify one’s mental health. Most people’s mental health is given to them at birth and gets tuned or diminished by life experiences, but taking a few steps can go a long way in bringing about a sense of calmness and stability to the mind.

Which are these? That brings us to the next section of this blog on the top 20 mental health courses, which is about what one can do to bring about strong and stable mental health.

Various health and psychological experts have come up with different means and methods by which to bring about sound mental health. Let us look at some of these next:

  1. Reflect: Understanding the root of the issue that is upsetting your mental health is very crucial in helping you to get a perspective. The more you reflect and introspect on the matter, the clearer your thinking will be, which will help you resolve your problem. This gives a sense of relief, which in turn leads to a feeling of wellbeing, one of the bases of good mental health.
  2. Develop a positive mindset: Tragedies and misfortunes come unannounced, but developing a state of mind that prepares you for them can alleviate the intensity of the pain. It is all in the mind, after all. The event that may have caused the misery may not be in our hands, but the way we face it certainly is. The severity of even the greatest blows to our life can be mitigated if we understand how to face them. This will help us to take them in our stride and teach us a way to mitigate them.
  3. Interact: Humans are gregarious by nature, the occasional social recluse notwithstanding. After all, why do you think humans invented families and made friends and colleagues? Not all of them are worthy of interacting with all the time, but those that you choose to interact with, can be of enormous value in helping to relieve mental pain and bringing about sound mental health. Just talking to someone who is willing to hear is enough many times. It relaxes the mind, which helps you to think better about how to face a worrisome issue. There are umpteen cases in which a friend or family would have actually solved problems, leading to a heightened sense of mental health.
  4. Soothe the mind with what pleases you: Closely aligned to the point above, this step is a great means to relax. An endearing music tune, a baseball match, a movie, a visit to the restaurant, all these are excellent contributors to good mental health. Try any of these when you are tense or anxious, and see the difference.
  5. Develop relaxation practices: Okay, so you are not on very friendly terms with terms like spirituality. Doesn’t matter. Take up scientifically proven methods like meditation, mindfulness, or related mental exercises, which can work wonders on the mind. Agreed, your loan recovery agent may not be soft on you because you breathed deeply, but it certainly prepares you to lessen the tension, which can tremendously help in maintaining mental health.

So, now that we have gained some insight into the value and means of achieving good mental health, I want to startle you next, well, almost! What is startling about what I am about to say? It is that you can achieve a good deal of mental health by taking up courses. Yes! Online courses. Doesn’t this sound funny?

No. It is not something I am telling to humor you. You could be very surprised to hear that almost all of the points I mentioned till now are fine for achieving mental health, but the bonus is that, like skills, mental health can be honed and practiced, too. And, when you take the guidance of a few wonderfully, professionally designed courses on this subject, the sky is the limit to what you can make your mind do for you.

This is surprising, yes, but by no means impossible. Who would think that mental health, the product of rigorous discipline and balanced outlook, can actually be attained through a series of courses? Are we talking about mental health in the same league as say, public speaking or java learning? Truth is, yes, just like these subjects, mental health too, can be learnt with the help of a few courses!

But yes, I have picked and selected this list of the top 20 mental health courses so that you get on the path to inner peace, and with it, sheer joy and happiness, all of which can go, I am confident, a long way in helping you battle the inner demons of the mind and relax. Relaxation, we all know, is the real key to stable mental health. These top 20 mental health courses are aimed at taking you to the destination of inner peace and tranquility.

So, let us get going! But before that, I need to mention that these are not merely the top 20 courses on mental health; they come with a bonus: they are accessible for your convenience, so that you can take them up at simply any time that suits you. And, you can do so at your own pace, which means that no one will haul you up with reminders about deadlines. And best of all, they come at the most affordable prices. Value for money is another feather for these top 20 mental health courses.

1. Mastering Meditation 101

Want to get started with meditation? This is the ideal gateway for your journey. This is a 101 meditation course that will familiarize you with the basics of this superbly effective ancient technique, whose origins date to the hunter gathering societies of yore.

There are no two opinions about the fact that meditation is the ideal technique to calm the disturbed mind. Although this is well known, most people, who desire to achieve this inner peace, are confused about how and where to begin meditation and about how to train the mind. This is course is for such people.

This course is being taught by Dr. Bill Haberman, who has been into meditation for over four decades. He holds as many as six degrees in religious studies, which include a doctorate and a Th.D., which have given him a high degree of proficiency at anything metaphysical.

While this course has been designed primarily for the newbie, it is also of great use to someone who may have mastered a few techniques, but may need a refresher. To take up this course, all that you need is willingness to meditate and gain a fresh perspective on life.

During this course, Dr. Haberman will cover these topics among many more:

2. Self Love and Self Confidence: A Course in Contentment

Want to love others? Want to achieve a state of poise? You can do all these, but the root to all of these is self love. A person that loathes oneself is not capable of reforming one’s own life; let alone those of others. So, the starting point for anything that you may want to do in life is self-love.

Inner peace is what you need first for bringing about the changes that you want to.

The author of this course, Robert Murphy, will lead you on the path to self-discovery through a series of techniques such as mindset changes, hypnosis, NLP, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), and several others. All of these combine to take you on the path of self learning, which will place you on the path of self-love, gain a sense of self-worth, and achieve self-confidence. This, in turn, will place you on a life of passion, contentment and happiness, which will help you lead the life you want. This, after all, is the finest pursuit of life.

Join us to enjoy all these through these topics covered at this course:

3. Introduction to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

PTSD…well, this is one of the most distressing conditions that one can have in one’s life. We are all gifted with mental strength and resilience in varying degree, and hence, a shocking event can affect us in different ways.

PTSD can trigger very sensitive reactions that range from shock to hurt, from sensitivity to withdrawal, from mood swings to depression, and many more. More than anything else, people with PTSD react a lot more strongly to events that bring back memories about the event that caused it, and they could sometimes have no control over their mood swings and the thoughts that flow from the mind when they think of the disturbing event.

However, all is not lost. Those with PTSD can overcome all these pains associated with this condition. This course is designed to offer you complete understanding of this condition. You will be able to understand what PTSD is, its causes, treatments, how to support clients who come to your practice with it, who are the likely candidates for getting PTSD, and so on and so forth.

It will cover these highly pertinent areas related to this very critical topic:

4. Overcoming Social Anxieties

Although it is true that humans are social by nature, many people have a problem with social interactions. They suffer from a deep sense of inferiority when they have to mingle and interact with people, try to avoid mixing with people, have severe anxieties when they have to meet people at social occasions, and so on. They fear that any of their actions will lead them to being judged. Many a time, these could be the result of upbringing, or one’s own mental makeup, the circumstances one is placed in and grows up in, etc.

Are you one of those who experience any of these, or do you know someone who does? Then, this is the ideal learning created for you! It will traverse the length and breadth of social anxiety disorder, and will equip you with the tools needed to overcome this disorder. Enroll today to gain a good and solid insight into social anxiety disorder.

This course will show you how to deal with social anxiety disorder by covering these areas of this subject:

5. Introduction to Personality Disorder – Certificate

Have you come across someone who has a negative and obstinate outlook? Does that person think, behave and function in a manner that spreads toxicity? Do you have someone in your circles who has a problem with appreciating the finer things of life and cannot get along with most people and blames others for everything that went wrong in their lives?

Then, you have met a person with personality disorder. Psychiatrists slot personality disorders into three grades with varying degrees as the level goes up. However, you need not worry about all these. A course on personality disorders from SimplivLearning will put you on the clear path to understanding and treating personality disorders.

This course is ideal for anyone who works in mental health or health and social care settings and those with a personal or professional interest in Personality Disorder. It will help you get a clear understanding of personality disorder through the following:

6. NLP for Beginners – Simple Techniques for Success

Get started with Neurolinguistic Processing (NLP), the wonder technique that can take you very far. Neurolinguistic programming experts believe and seek to search for a “connection between neurological processes (neuro-), language (linguistic) and behavioral patterns”, which according them, is learned through experience (programming). This, according to these NLP professionals, can be altered significantly to help achieve specific goals in life.

If this topic fascinates you, you could consider this course. This is a beginner course on NLP, and its defining feature is the simplicity it carries. It removes all the confusion and complexity of this topic, so that anyone can access and understand it, and implement the suggestions they carry, into not only their own lives, but of those around them, too.

The knowledge from this course will be imparted through these among many more:

7. How To Get Over A Broken Heart, Break Up Or Emotional Trauma

What happens when someone who is dear to you decides to move on in life? Isn’t it heart-wrenching? A broken heart can hurt very badly and can take a long time to repair. Having said this, a broken heart is not the end of the road. Those who face tragedies get tougher and learn to move on, emerging stronger.

The ways of doing so are taught at this course by well-known relationship coach and expert, Melody Chadamoyo. She will lead you through the healing process, which will guide you through the suffering and emotional trauma you may have faced due to the breakup.

Melody certainly knows her onions, having gone through this kind of emotional scarring herself. You will learn from her personal experience, and will benefit from the knowledge she has accumulated in handholding people out of their difficulty.

You will learn to deal with loss, and will know how to get up and walk again after the emotional wound a breakup could have inflicted on your psyche. You will get thorough clarity on not just dealing with breakups, but also most other kinds of emotional disturbances. You will know:

8. Team Me – Awaken the Sage Archetype

One can be a commander or a king who can force things upon people. But the results of such actions can be short-lived, because it doesn’t include emotions in their actions. If you want to take a truly positive and result oriented approach, the archetype that you have to emulate is the sage.

The sage is the rational, thinking, coolheaded personality that seeks results through a dispassionate look at the issue based not on assumptions or emotions, but on the evidence before her. It is not impossible for someone to be nonjudgmental when they are handling others’ situations, but when they are tackling their own, this can be quite a challenge. Our emotions, attachments, prejudices, and a host of other factors come in the way of our thinking when we are dealing with our own problems.

This course is all about awakening this sage archetype in you. Doing so will help you approach your problem in much the same manner as you would look at a third person’s issues, when your personal stakes are limited. The author will explain the qualities of the sage, which consist of knowledge, reason, logic, precision, perceptiveness, intelligence, rationality, and others.

You will be able to expand the horizons of your thinking, which will help you approach any issue with clarity and perspicacity.

You will learn the following at this course:

9. Learn about Attention Deficit Disorder

This course will offer a thorough explanation of the causes, symptoms, and complex dynamics of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Despite all the research being done on these conditions and all the information that exists about them, several myths and misconceptions about ADD and ADHD abound.

This course is aimed at explaining these conditions, the ways of dealing with them, and how to dispel the negative impressions about them. It is based on the research done at the Amen Clinic by Jef Gazley, M.S. LMFT, with ADD patients.

It will offer an understanding of the concept behind the ADD-Care® treatment, a natural alternative to stimulants. The author will explain and demonstrate the six types of ADD and how to treat each one of them. He will ensure that you find a solution for your unique ADD or ADHD symptoms.

10. Learn About Chemical Dependence

Chemical dependence carries a heavy individual, social, and financial cost. So, what is chemical dependence? Why do some people have it? How does one overcome it?

This course answers these and related questions concerning chemical dependence. Through innovative approaches and thoughts that are a result of his vast experience, the author will help those with chemical dependence overcome it. This learning is invaluable to those with the condition, as well as their families.

This course, although aimed at these with chemical addiction, can be of great help to those researching, learning, or teaching it, as well as those who have a general interest in the topic. It will dispel many aspects of this condition and put those suffering from it on a clear roadmap to recovery.

It will explain the chemistry behind chemical dependence, the symptoms of the condition, how the problem develops and is maintained, and how to achieve abstinence.

This learning will consist of:

11. REBT – Learn The Tool For Healthier And Wealthier Life

Heard about REBT? If you haven’t, it is a powerful and effective psychological therapy aimed at helping people deal with negative emotions. Expanding to Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy, REBT was designed by Dr Albert Ellis in 1955.

So, what is this therapy about? What does it do to the person taking it, and what can be expected from it? All these and related topics will be dealt with in detail at this course. It will help you achieve the core purposes of REBT, which make the practitioner: a) feel better more often; b) feel bad less, and c) achieve more things that are important to her.

REBT is based on the fact that it is not events in themselves, but our response to them, that forms our thinking and makes us what we are. This course will make you understand the following:

With this learning, you will:

12. De-Stress Women Mental Wellness Course

Stress is common across the genders and age groups, but women tend to feel stressed more than men. Is it because their ability to handle stress is limited compared to men? No. Rather, it is because women are more prone to hormonal changes than men, which induces a lot more stress.

Unfortunately, often, this can prevent them from realizing their full potential. Their stress levels can play havoc, making them depressed and anxious, leading them to be thrown asunder by these forces. Is there a way out of this? This course explores this.

It will suggest NLP as a means to overcome stress. At this meaningful course, you will understand:

You will get in-depth understanding of:

What is Stress?

Common Stressors in Women

Common Symptoms of Stress

Stress Mechanism of Body

Mechanism of Perception and stress

Conservative Approaches vs NLP De-Stress

Introduction to NLP De-Stress

Step 1: Breaking the old Patterns “As If”

Step 2: 6-SR Wonderful technique for changing your perspective

Step 3: Remove bad Anchors and Swish them with new ones

Step 4: Heal your Past Painful Memories – One at a Time

Step 5: Heal Yourself through Body Pacing Visualization.

13. Build A Better Brain

Mood disorders are a very negative, but rather common problem among many people. Most of them go for quick fix patches, such as medication, which offer temporary relief, but never address the core issue, and come with awful side effects, since they interfere with the body’s natural ability to produce these anxiety-lessening chemicals on its own.

This course is designed to train your brain to be in a better position to handle stress by introducing natural methods that need only being evoked. The bonus of this exercise is that the brain does this work on its own, without altering the natural chemical-producing function of the brain.

It is aimed at people whose condition is not improving with the use of pharmaceutical drugs, people that are dealing with chronic stress and depression, and those who are dealing with anxiety, burnout and insomnia and want to overcome these issues quickly.

They will learn:

14. Introduction to Eating Disorders

Eating disorders constitute a major stumbling block to development, especially in the developed world. Handling it consumes a substantial portion of an economy’s resources. However, major eating disorders, such as Anorexia Nervosa, Binge Eating and Bulimia Nervosa can be treated.

This course aims to do just that. It is aimed at professionals who have to deal with clients who have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, and at families, friends and caretakers of a person with an eating disorder.

At this course, the whole gamut of topics relating to eating disorders, will be covered. It will start by giving an understanding of what an eating disorder is, its signs and symptoms, types, epidemiology, risk assessment, pros and cons of diagnosis, treatments and interventions, evidence based approaches, and myths and stereotypes, and finally, environmental signs, and helping organizations.

15. How to be an Expert Witness

The job of a medicolegal professional, or what is called an expert witness, is unenviable. It involves deep knowledge of the two colossal fields of law and medicine, and many a time, the evidence from these two disciplines could get at loggerheads with each other.

This course is aimed at helping you build a professionally and financially rewarding career as an expert witness. This course will cover everything from how to write a medico legal report to how to put together your terms and conditions.

From this course, which has been designed from the author’s many years of experience in this field, you will get solid insights into how to write a structured, professional medico legal report, how to state the requirements of an Expert Witness, the legal, ethical and professional demands of an Expert Witness, how to grow and develop your medico legal practice, and how to fulfill your needs while performing your duties as an Expert Witness.

16. Biohacking Secrets: Boost Your Physical & Mental Health

This biohacking course will give you the learning needed to transform your mind, body and health, and gain longevity. A self-help course, it covers every skill that you need to start biohacking, which will give excellent mental and physical benefits. The aim is to help you live your best life, to its fullest.

With all the learning acquired from this course, you will:

17. What the Heck Is Bullet Journaling?

With all the advancements in technology, bullet journaling continues to be popular across the world. The reason is that it is simple, comprehensive, effective, and is time-saving. You can carry out a whole host of functions in a bullet journal than in a conventional diary.

However, the catch is that you should know how to create a bullet journal, and should know what to include in it, and how. This course is meant to give you knowledge of these aspects. It will show the pros and cons of this activity, and what to avoid in it.

This course will help you get an understanding of some of the common problems associated with bullet journaling, and will show you how to overcome these. You will know how to create a customized bullet journal that is just right for your needs and your lifestyle.

This course consists of the following syllabi:

18. Where Did I Leave My Keys? How to Keep your Brain Sharp as you Age

It is common for all of us to be in a position where we forget simple day-to-day things, such as keys and clothes. This is not necessarily a sign of dementia or Alzheimer’s. It is a common misconception that this forgetfulness has to get worse with age. It is possible to help the brain retain its sharpness and freshness even in advanced age.

Loss of function and cellular capacities don’t need to diminish with age. With certain techniques, this can be not only reversed, but even improved. This course is all about these powerful mental techniques with which to do this.

All these and more will be covered at this course, which will be covering these topics:

19. Beating Anxiety: Learn The Hidden Secrets Of Beating Anxiety

Anxiety is thought of as being inseparable from our world. It is true that anxiety is an inevitable byproduct of development; yet, it can be managed and conquered.

The fact that we have embarked upon the development route doesn’t mean that it has to come at an inescapable cost: anxiety. This course will open up new vistas to handling and beating stress. It is only when we are able to beat stress that we are able to lead a full life that is meaningful and valuable, one that is free of anxiety.

At this course, you will:

20. Post pandemic Love. The Undoing Effect

As we got locked (and continue to get locked), have we reflected on what all we lost during the lockdown? Most of us have a tendency for looking at only the financial losses, but a very important loss that got overlooked was love.

Loss of love, of dear ones, of jobs, of money, and a lot more, resulted in many people getting depressed and finding refuge in undesirable things like alcohol and drugs. Depression, anxiety, PTSD and related problems seem to be becoming inevitable.

Yet, there is a way out. Things don’t have to be all that gloomy. There exist techniques for improving our mental and emotional wellbeing. It is just that we need to know what these are, and how to adapt them. This course offers ways by which to do this. It will explain positive psychology lessons that help us stay afloat. The one boon that stays in our midst, something that humans have lived with for millennia, is love.

At this course, you will understand how to bring in love into relationships and strengthen them during these bad days. You will understand the various approaches to understanding love as an emotion, a union and a momentum. This course will help you discover how to practice love in order to sustain a loving healthy relationship. It will show you how positive emotions affect our health by co-experiencing emotions with others and creating emotional spirals.

This is the learning you will gain from this course:

So, that is it from me, as far as the top 20 mental health courses are concerned! I hope this made useful reading. It has always been my wish and hope that you benefit in some or another way from our blogs. If our blogs have made an impact for the better on you, nothing makes us happier.

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