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Top 20 Mobile Application Development courses

Mobile Development Courses

• Mobile apps are unmissable for marketing

A mention of the top 20 mobile development courses should bring about a rush of excitement in those reading this blog. Why? Simple: mobile development is an extremely sought-after field these days. The reason for this is simpler: almost everyone has a mobile phone, most of which are smartphones, and most people want to derive high value from their smartphones.

Come to think of this: what have most of us, yours truly included, been doing for the past couple of years? We have been working, for sure. But from where? From home, of course. During this forced sabbatical from the office, we turned to our devices for a lot more time than we normally used to. This brought about a huge change in our dependence on these devices. It is estimated that from the start of the pandemic, globally, the number of people downloading video streaming apps to watch from home increased by almost a third.

The result: there has been a multifold increase in the number of people who have been using their smartphones, tablets, and other similar devices, which automatically means an increase in the consumption of entertainment from home.

What does this translate to? A phenomenal increase in the number of mobile apps to support this growing need. This has meant that mobile development as a field of technology has skyrocketed and has been placed on the upswing for this recent period, and the indications suggest that this could stay.

To further arouse your interest in the top 20 mobile development courses, let me run you through a few stunning statistics about mobile app usage. But then, just as we come to that part, let me make a brief, customary introduction to mobile development:

Mobile development is all about using the relevant technologies for creating the software needed to run apps for mobile devices to make them perform their intended purposes. Most mobile apps fall under the three categories-native, hybrid, and Html 5.

And now, back to the statistics that I promised:

So, now, are you getting an idea of why you should become extremely serious about choosing mobile development as a career? These numbers should give you a greater reason to choose the top 20 mobile development courses, which is what I will head to in the subsequent paragraphs of this blog. Hey, before we move on to that section, did I leave out a couple of other important reasons for which to take your pick from among the top 20 mobile development courses?

Here they go:

Mobile development comes with challenges

All these positives said, however, I would not want to rush you into a decision on entering this profession without bringing a couple of points that you have to bear in mind. I am not intending to scare you off, but, I believe I will not be doing justice if I don’t show you the other side of the hill. It is worth mentioning that, as with any other profession or activity, mobile development is not a bed of roses. It comes with its set of unique benefits that we have just examined but is not without its challenges.

When taking off on a career in mobile development, make sure you keep these points pertaining to mobile development in mind and ensure you do your best to overcome them, which is the learning my list of the top 20 mobile development courses aims to give you.

Behind these plentiful numbers lie a host of issues that are peculiar to mobile development, which any mobile developer has to factor in before creating apps. While the huge numbers point to a big, ready market, it is not something that anyone can enter at will and succeed in. Entering a market that already has these numbers looks very tempting, but be wary, because this could turn out to be a double-edged sword. Your app has to wade its way through literally millions of others, and there lies the real rub. Unless you make something that truly stands out, your chances are dim. A less than happy or unengaging experience will turn away a user for good.

On the face of it, yes, apps make billions of dollars. But which apps? Only apps that are either valuable, engaging, entertaining or are a combination of these factors. Both Google Play and iOS have an extremely huge number of apps, but many of them don’t make it to even the download stage from the user. The main reason for this has just been explained.

In addition to making standout apps, the mobile developer has to bear in mind that a lot of additional factors come into play. An untested app that crashes will make sure that the developer is out of the race, perhaps for a lifetime. This has to be taken care of.

Mobile users are notoriously famous for their utter lack of patience. They are not known to stay on an app for more than three seconds. If it takes even a fraction more than that to load, consider your app gone up in smoke. Imagine the horror of conceiving a new idea, getting a team to develop it into an app, and putting it up on the web, only to let three seconds decide your fate!

As I said earlier, these points are not really meant to deter you from mobile development; rather, I want to highlight these to help you ensure that you don’t run into troubles with your mobile development.

So now, without further ado, let me head to the top 20 mobile development courses, at last!

1. Unity In App Purchase Complete Course

This course will make it easier for you to build in-app purchases inside your games. With this complete hands-on, project-based course, which takes a top-down approach, you will gain a detailed understanding of in-app purchase concepts.

This understanding will offer you the skill needed to implement these concepts and sell your products virtually. This course will teach you:

All these will be done using Unity, of course.

These are the takeaways from this course:

2. Cognitive App Development with IBM Watson

This course will teach you how to develop and deploy your applications over IBM Cloud- Bluemix. It gives you all the expertise you need to master all the Watson services and tools available out there.

You could integrate Watson Services such as Watson Assistant, Watson Discovery, Watson Speech to Text (STT), Watson Text to Speech (TTS), Watson Language Translator, Watson Natural Language Classifier, Watson Natural Language Understanding, Watson Visual Recognition, Watson Tone Analyzer, and Watson Personality Insights and many more in your Web, Android, IoT, Desktop Applications like Face Detection, Chatbot, Voice Detection, Text to custom Speech (with pitch, emotions, etc.), Speech to text, Sentimental Analysis on Social media or any textual data.

3. Build a Chatbot with AZURE and AWS

The primary learning you will gain from this course is how to build a chatbot with Azure and AWS. It will teach you how to deploy chatbots using AWS Lex and Microsoft Azure on the cloud. Having learned chatbot development on AWS with Lex, Polly, and Transcribe and deploying chatbots on both these platforms, you will move on to how to create a simple chatbot on Microsoft Azure and understand how to embed it into an HTML website. You will then learn how to create a chatbot for the Facebook page which will create good customer engagement and provide better 24*7 services to customers.

This course will also teach you how to crawl from different sources like FAQ links, documentation, product manual, etc.,. to create an FAQ bot, or what may be called a QnA chatbot. You will also learn to deploy the language understanding app, Luis.

Once you complete this course, you will be able to develop different kinds of bot services provided by Microsoft Azure and AWS.

These are what you will learn from this course:

4. iOS App Entrepreneurship: Build a Tech Start-Up

Take the first concrete steps to realize your dream of building a tech startup! Building one is not such a complicated matter, though, with this course. Who can be a better tutor to help you move in this direction than a tech startup entrepreneur himself? Brian Surface, Founder and Lead iOS developer at Adamantium Mettle, LLC, who is a real app developer who has created apps in the Apple App Store, will share their expertise in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) at this course.

Plus, he brings over 14 years of teaching experience, which gives him a firm grip on the learners’ needs. At this course, you will learn the following, all of which will get you right there, at the doorstep of starting your dream tech startup:

5. Advanced iOS & Firebase: Rideshare

All the development skills needed to build a polished full-stack and fully functional Uber clone will be taught in this course. You will go from beginner-level Firestore to advanced iOS development techniques. It will help you understand Apple MapKit in and out. You will learn everything you need to know from UI design and frontend and backend development in this course. You will understand advanced Firebase backend development and be able to work fluently with iOS and Firebase.

Business owners, students, and teenagers, people who want to make money building apps, those who want to build advanced iOS apps, those who want to create their own startup, or those looking to get a full-time job as a developer, will all benefit immensely from this course.

This is the learning you will walk away with from this course:

6. Machine Learning for Apps

The primary aim of Machine Learning is, as we all know, to mimic the human mind. It identifies objects or images, makes predictions, and even analyzes and identifies speech. This course is on Core ML, one of Apple’s hot new features for iOS 11. You will learn the core concepts of Machine Learning and start building apps.

Through real projects, you will be able to build apps that perform core ML functions such as making predictions and classifying human handwriting. This course will teach you everything you need to know to start building more intelligent apps and your own ML models.

This course offers these lessons:

From the learning you get from this course, you will be able to:

7. Android N: From Beginner to Paid Professional

This course is from Devslopes, which created the highly successful and popular course, “iOS 9 & Swift: From Beginner to Paid Professional”. This course is based on the same teaching model. At this android N course, you will gain the skills needed to build Android Marshmallow apps. You will also learn how to code in java. You can implement OOP with java and android.

This course contains the following syllabus:

8. Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced

This course is designed for those who want to make a career in android development. This comprehensive course will teach you how to build fully functional apps using Kotlin and submit them to Google Play. By being able to build real-world apps through real projects, you will be able to take up and pursue a proper career in android app web development.

You will learn the following in this course:

9. Install software for Samsung smart phones

This course will give you a solid understanding of how to install software programs for Samsung smartphones. You will learn everything related to it.

It will explain all that you need to know about android phones, the problems users face with these phones, and the way to fix those problems very easily. The types of software that go into these phones, how to download and install it to your phone, recovery, and the way to install it, are all taught.

You will also get a grasp of the second type of android system, the types of android systems, the difference between software and factory reset, how to make a factory reset, how to install software for Samsung Galaxy phones and how to solve most issues, and to install recovery and modified system.

10. Augmented Reality with Snapchat Snap Kit for iOS 12 Swift 4

With this course, you will be able to build an iOS App using Swift and integrate Augmented Reality using Snapchat Snap Kit. It will teach you how to integrate Snapchat login and also access Snapchat bitmoji, stickers, lenses, and filters into any app you create.

In this course, you will learn the following:

11. Android App Development from Installation to Code and Publish Your Own Apps!

This course will empower you to create your own first android app. It will take you all the way from the installation of Android Studio and App Builder, and from code to publishing, as well as the user interface and a sample application. In other words, it will familiarize you with all that you need to know about android web development.

With this course, you will discover shortcuts and debugging, and activities and fragments, all through a few challenging exercises. It will take you several steps closer to becoming an android app development professional. With this knowledge, you can also discover ways of becoming a freelancer.

This is the syllabus outline for this course:

12. Code Your Own Music Player App in Android Studio!

Creating your own music player app was never this simple. This course will introduce you to steps such as how to set up permissions, write the list view adapter and add music files, play music and add the seek bar, show playback progress and write the pause feature, and fix thread-related bugs.

This is the ideal learning for those who want to scale their careers as mobile app developers. All this will be taught through the following outline:

13. The Android Developer’s Journey

With this course, you will chart out your roadmap to a successful career as an android developer. You can start your journey to becoming a developer of android apps from this course. It will offer you learning of most of the basics. These include a few initial programming skills, followed by some basic java and android app development using Android Studio.

Also covered are some of the database communications for the database chosen for this course, namely, Google’s JSON Firebase database. You will get total learning of the features that you will be using as you go up in your journey. The comprehensive tour of android studio, which you will go through at this course, will augment your android development code and by extension, your final android app.

You will learn:

14. The Complete XMPP Course: Chat Server Setup Android/iOS Apps

This course is for beginners who are curious about the technology behind chat applications. It will explain everything that is needed to help learners set up their own open-source chat server in Amazon cloud or any other VPS.

Beginners, as well as professionals who want to enhance their knowledge in XMPP server and client technology, will get a sound understanding of how to set up chat client applications for Windows, Android, and iOS platforms.

Entrepreneurs who wish to start chat server applications as a ‘Software as a Service’ business model, too, can enhance their knowledge with the learning they get from this course.

This course will teach its learning objectives through this outline:

15. Kotlin Fundamentals with Android Studio

This course on app development will show you how to use Kotlin for android. You will learn the foundational concepts and get an in-depth overview of Kotlin and its configuration. These will help you understand how to install JDK for Android Studio, on both Mac and PC. Following the basic setup, learners will go through the development and deployment of their first app project.

Being completely hands-on, this course is just what you need to start out in the world of mobile app development. You will learn everything about Android Emulator, and everything related to how to build and run an app.

Your learning will be covered in the following outline:

16. React Native Design Patterns

With this course, you will learn to develop effective patterns for handling common problems that arise when developing with React Native.

Design Patterns, as known, are time-tested solutions that one can utilize as guidelines in their work. Utilizing Design Patterns enhances code readability, improves the scalability of your applications, and defines a common language with other developers.

You will get an idea of different Design Patterns and understand why a specific pattern was created, and how it should be implemented. The practical examples taught in this course will show you how mobile development in React Native should be performed in a reusable way.

This course will help you understand the benefits that accrue from separating data components in the Container Component pattern. You will understand the purpose of Higher-Order Components (HOCs).

You will learn to share code even when significant changes happen between each platform. This course will also help you develop a deep understanding of the Render Props pattern, and how it can better serve your React Native application code sharing abilities as opposed to using a HOC, among lots more.

By the time you complete this course, you will have gained expertise in utilizing the best solution for a given problem in your next React Native application.

With this course, you will:

17. Kotlin Design Patterns

Design patterns evolved out of the need to eliminate a host of problems that developers faced on a day-to-day basis. Design patterns offer a way to apply solutions to varied problems.

This course on design patterns in Kotlin will walk you through some centrally significant design patterns so that you can easily resolve programming issues encountered in your day-to-day tasks. It will cover all three major areas in design patterns: creational patterns, structural patterns, and behavioral patterns.

In this course, you will also implement one structural pattern-Decorators-that plays an important role in adding functionalities to your programs. The tutor will show you how to tackle different kinds of problems and implement the required patterns while avoiding common pitfalls. Also taught are a few useful tips and tricks to use design patterns more effectively.

The result of this learning is that by the time you complete the course, you will be confident about using varying types of design patterns to solve common design problems.

The following areas will be covered in this course:

18. Learning Apache Storm for Big Data Processing

This course will familiarize you with data processing types followed by Apache Storm, a distributed, scalable and fault-tolerant, real-time processing engine that is used to process a massive number of unbounded streams, and its features.

With this course, you will understand just how simple, yet efficient Apache Storm is when it comes to real-time processing. It will explain the data processing types followed by Apache Storm and its features. You’ll learn the core concepts of Apache Storm such as spouts, bolts, topology, and stream grouping, and understand how to set up Apache Storm in single-node and multi-node configurations. You will also explore how fault-tolerant Apache Storm is.

This course will cover the following:

19. iOS 14 Crypto Currency Tracker, SwiftUI & Combine Framework

This course will teach you how to build a cryptocurrency tracker in SwiftUI, an innovative and disarmingly simple way to build user interfaces across all Apple platforms leveraging the power of Swift. With a declarative syntax that is easy to read and natural to write, SwiftUI works seamlessly with new XCode design tools to keep your code and design perfectly in sync.

This course will teach you SwiftUI and the Combine framework, with which you will be able to build a real-world app that is ready to release to the app store. You will learn how to fetch data from API and process to display it in a list along with drawing a history graph on the currency value. Another key learning from this course is that it will teach you how to build your own line chart from scratch in SwiftUI.

These are part of the learning from this course:

20. Build your web and mobile application with AWS Honeycode

Using Amazon Honeycode enables you to build applications without writing a single line of code. This course shows you how to do this. Amazon Honeycode helps you build various kinds of applications for teams, be it something related to projects, resource or product management, or anything else.

Alternatively, you could build Amazon Honeycode apps that can be deployed on the AWS cloud computing platform for managing anything ranging from projects, customers, operations, approvals, and resources, to even your team.

This course will teach you how to start building Amazon Honeycode apps even if you have not written code or do not possess deep knowledge of programming or database concepts. All that you need to do is stay focused on what this course teaches, and you will get a grasp of the complete workflow for building an app on Honeycode right from the beginning to advanced use cases.

By the time you complete this course, you will have learned to:

In concluding this blog on the top 20 mobile development courses, what I would like to say is this: mobile development is here to stay. Notwithstanding a few challenges it faces, let us understand one fact: we are not going to live in an app-free world at any time in the near or distant future. As more and more people continue to depend on apps for everything from weather forecasts to astrology, and from election results to sports, the scene is set for a thrilling, lucrative future for those who want to develop apps and make a profession out of it.

We believe that our top 20 mobile development courses are a useful aid in facilitating your interest in mobile development, whether you want to develop it as a career or want to pursue it as a passion.

We hope that our list of top 20 mobile development courses will help you see this field from the right perspective and guide you in ironing out some of the issues related to mobile development, which we discussed earlier on in the blog. Here is wishing you the best for your career in mobile development. We hope you will look at our top 20 mobile development courses positively when you get on the road to advancement in your career path!

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