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Why Developers use Salesforce DX and the Tools they Need to Know

One major headache of developers and development teams is the need to keep up with the inevitably changing business and market needs. Salesforce always tried to add on tools and counteract this challenge by enabling a wider group of users than another platform to confidently and safely administer the changes to their business applications. The objective of Salesforce tools is to empower the organizations to be more agile and rightly focus on a better outcome.

In fact, there are still many issues which go far beyond the capabilities of the low- or no-code development solutions. As the business requirements grow and become more and more complex, the solutions also have to be more focused. Rather than a full-flat development process in the traditional approach, one should try and cover the rapidly changing developmental challenges too to make things easier.

Many of the modern-day business problems demand bespoke logic to solve them, which is what Salesforce understands and offers through However, a programming environment to enable bespoke logic is not enough to take full advantage of all these features, but it also demands traditional development methods and conventional developers too to handle it well.

Salesforce in real-time

The above-mentioned traditional development teams do have some unique expectations. The advantages of moving faster, quicker releases, and regular cadence, etc. are documented well, but some additional processes too may come along with these. Salesforce is in a constant effort to develop tools, platforms, and stacks to support this unique approach. This toolset not only will help improve the day-to-day development activities of the developers, but also will considerably enhance the efficacy of development teams in order to deliver more business value quickly.

Salesforce has also done an excellent job in terms of empowering the administrators, unlike any other platforms, but on the other hand, also fallen behind in terms of catering to the traditional development teams. In fact, Salesforce DX kicks in as an ideal solution for this problem.

What’s Salesforce DX?

At the core, Salesforce DX is a reassurance to the users about the ongoing growth of Salesforce as a platform. For the processes which are dependent more on the traditional developmental processes, Salesforce DX and provider like are more committed to providing the needed support and tools. This is a new philosophy into practice.

The difference Salesforce DX philosophy makes

As we can see, traditionally, the org remained as the sole representation on its own. The intensive development teams which may have come from other platforms or those with rigorous requirements or stringent practices had to use the tools like Eclipse or Mavens Mate apart from the command line in order to manage the version control of metadata, and thereby introducing another secondary representation of the configuration orgs’. Even though the expert advice this approach, this method has become more challenging given the metadata limitations with first-party tools.

Throughout Salesforce DX announcement, the providers emphasize on the tagline as “version control is the new source of truth.” The statement is clear and loud as to collaborate and work together effectively, developers have to use the source control approaches, and to make it practical, developers should take it as the primary representation of org.

For conventional developers, this is an ideal decision. There are plenty of benefits coming packed with version control in auditing, disaster recovery, and effective collaboration between the developer teams, but most importantly it is a key component in the agile development and release cycles. If the primary development goal is to build the application features easier and quicker and to put them into the hands of the users on real-time, then the ideal approach to it is version control.

With this approach, the philosophical question which hangs around is what kind of an impact this may have on the developers and administrators who are not very comfortable about moving to this command line tools and methods. This developer-centric shift towards the version control proving out to the ground truth to work successfully, users need to apply this across the board to avoid any changes to the orgs which are not tracked by the version control.

Improved tools in Salesforce DX

This is one of the top features in Salesforce DX, which enables the key concept of “version-control-as-the-source-of-truth.” Scratch orgs are identified as the ephemeral orgs which can be created and destroyed trivially with commands as

So, rather than custom creating a development environment org or use of sandbox, the developers can ideally use their already existing tools as MavensMate or Eclipse to work in the Salesforce DX ecosystem. Finally, during the time of running the changes, one can spin up the new org and then push the metadata into it. This approach has a large impact on the developmental workflow. The scratch orgs are so quick and ephemeral to create, and so developers need not have to maintain and sync various orgs to map their version controls in daily development. Switching different branches is now much easier, and testing of new changes have also become simpler by just clicking the ‘run’ button in any random IDE you use. IDE

Along with the above change, IDE has also been revamped with a brand-new Eclipse plugin, which is constructed on top of the existing sfdx CLI. The top features enabled through this change are:

Along with these, the Heroku pipelines and CI also plays a crucial role in making the developer tasks easier. All these tools we mentioned here can be fully leveraged by the vendors to build the CI solutions as Bitbucket pipelines by using any of the CI servers like Jenkins and the latest command line tools.

Bio :- Emily is a freelance content writer. She has written many good and informative articles on different categories such as technology, health, fashion, beauty, education, career, travel etc. She is very responsible towards her job. She loves to share her knowledge and experience with her friends and colleagues.

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